MU Legend: The Overall Feel Of The Game Is Very Good

MU Legend had millions of players and became one of the most popular ARPGs in the world. MU Legend takes place in a shard-based mini-MMOG world. This is something missing from the current kings like D3 and PoE. MU Legend has a core stat called Combat Power (CP) which is a numeric representation of your character’s overall combat prowess.

MU Legend

Many gamers have rushed to this game and some of them are even forgetting that this is an actual beta, which ultimately serves to test the game’s server infrastructure and to discover and fix some serious game issues. The latest Closed Beta Test have been begun in early of 2017. There are further language options, including Brazilian Portuguese, Latin-American Spanish, Polish, French and German.

The beta launches with four classes – Blader, War Mage, Whisperer and Dark Lord – but a fifth class is already in the works and visible: the Emphasizer. A female ranged class, she is capable of manipulating objects with her mind, usually sharp objects such as swords. For more information on each class, interested players are allowed to check out more.

MU Legend is a comparatively refined Closed Beta gameplay, The overall feel of the game is very good, the graphics, combat, item drops, character progression, class skills, dailies, rifts and monsters — it all flows and comes together very well. The UI is smooth, the music is surprisingly good and the boss fights are interactive and fun but not overwhelming. How an entertaining gameplay! It’s no wonder that a great deal of gamers are busy buying MU Legend Zen & MU Legend Power Leveling.