NHL 18 Largely Enhanced Puck Physics: Puck Physics Video

Most of gamers deem that NHL 18 feels better than it ever has that’s owing mainly to the enhanced puck physics and some of the new moves you’re able to perform against defenders. In regard to the game’s improvements details, you can find on this following video, if you have more new expectations and needs, reference from here.


NHL 18 Gameplay – Amazing Puck Physics And Goal

NHL 18 will be available to play worldwide from September 15th 2017 onwards. For this year’s NHL 18, it’s yet another solid entry in the franchise’s history. It’s important to note that the money puck is a brand new concept to the EA SPORTS NHL series and is exclusive to NHL THREES. However, while playing a game of NHL THREES you will notice this under the scoreboard:

NHL 18

There are three different types of pucks and you can see them all in the above screenshot:

Positive(Orange) – The value on the puck is how many goals it is worth(max = 3)
Regular(Black) – Just a regular boring puck that is worth +1 goal and nothing else
Negative(Blue) – Gives you +1 and then takes away goals from your opponent depending on the puck value(max = 3)

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