Escape from Tarkov: Is it still worth your experience?

Escape from Tarkov is a one-of-a-kind game. There are no analogs in the niche of hardcore shooters, and in general, there is simply no – only remotely similar things in the spirit of DayZ and Hunt: Showdown. Tarkov does almost everything in the industry in terms of its complexity, and shooting here is practically the best among all shooters in terms of sensation and elaboration.

Of course, for every successful find in Escape from Tarkov, it’s easy to find a flaw that will scare away any player. This is a niche project, which, for all my love, I cannot advise anyone to play. This is not a shooter that you might buy at discounts and play from time to time for fun after school or work.

You have to dive into Escape from Tarkov, invest a tremendous amount of time and effort. Learning the basics here can take hundreds of hours, during which you could go through the same Red Dead Redemption 2 three times. For me, the stage “stop being afraid of PvP and figure out what to do” took at least 300 hours. The question is, do you want to spend so much time just learning the basics of playing one single game that you may not even like.

Escape from Tarkov is tricky. Painfully. Tiring. Sometimes monotonous. It’s never fun here. But at the same time, it is exciting. No other video game I’ve played in my life has given me such experience, emotions, stress, and adrenaline. I first met her in 2019, and she did not impress me: then Escape from Tarkov was in even more deplorable technical condition, and I spent too little time in it. And it was too lazy to figure it out: it was easier to say that the game was worse than to understand why hitting the enemy did not kill him.

Now I have spent much more time and more thoroughly approaching the issue. Even if I killed an insane 600 hours for this and burned out about seven times naturally from this or that problem – I’m glad that I got to know this game better and will undoubtedly spend the same amount of time in the new wipe because I’m interested in playing it and waiting for what will happen to Escape from Tarkov in the future.

After all, Escape from Tarkov is a genuinely new video game experience. This is the kind of game that does not hold you for a capricious child. This is not just another variation of Quake or Call of Duty, where there are just a few new mechanics or a different weapon system. This is something else. What you want to explore, what you want to understand.

When I was a schoolboy, I played the browser game Unit Online. It was a parody of the first Fallout and also from our developers. They made it as students but then rolled over to applications on VKontakte.

The essence of “Unit-Online” was that there were no PvP and PvP zones. In noPvP zones, there were mediocre enemies and loot. When a character died, what was found did not drop from the killed player. But in PvP zones, the earned equipment could fall off you. This is how the game caught on. When farming in such zones, you were afraid to see the enemy on the screen every second because all the time spent could come to naught. But in addition to the time spent, you spent Tarkov EFT money on ammunition, weapon repairs, and consumables in the form of heal/grenades. However, if the walk was successful, a good amount of money could be raised.
I’ve always dreamed of seeing a similar game, not from a top view, but in full 3D. Escape from Tarkov is the game of my dreams. It has absolutely everything that I could dream of. And the fear of losing earned nishtyaks and the opportunity to take these nishtyaks away from someone else.

Of course, I would have played this game much less than I do now if I hadn’t been Tarkov’s full-time streamer. However, almost EVERY day, I get up with the thought: “Damn, it would be nice to play Escape from Tarkov. The game is perfect. “Unfortunately, after a couple of raids, this desire for some reason disappears – the game is not without jambs. Profession compels.

In the three and a half years that I have been playing, a lot has changed. The biggest plus of this game is that there is no donation and will not be. In this regard, B.S.G. is a great fellow and goes against all developers. I believe that Escape from Tarkov is a game that everyone should buy and play because it is a unique and unparalleled project from our developers. – Duduk.

Should you buy the game? Probably not. I can’t say that because of all its uniqueness and coolness, everyone urgently needs to take and try Escape from Tarkov. Even the developers themselves say that the project is not for everyone. As quickly as he hooked me, he can cause you misunderstanding, rejection, and even hatred.

Before playing, study the question: watch streamers, videos, read about the game. Decide for yourself whether you want to dive into the whole ecosystem of a complex hardcore MMO shooter instead of another video game. It is advisable to find friends for this business – it is challenging for one here, although someone prefers to play Escape from Tarkov alone.

Suppose you love story projects in the spirit of Sony exclusives, a comfortable gaming experience. In that case, you don’t have much time for video games, and you are used to relaxing in them after school or work – forget to Escape from Tarkov. This game is not for you. This is precisely the opposite of what you want from games.

Suppose you are interested in digging into games. In that case, you are looking for hardcore, you are a fan of “reference P.C. gaming” with all its advantages and disadvantages if you are ready to endure technical imperfections, and you also have a powerful computer – then Escape from Tarkov is worth a try. Because in return for all your torment, you will receive an experience incomparable with anything else. This kind of gameplay cannot be found anywhere else.

Of course, all this is partly subjective. Maybe the game just got on my nerve and hooked those strings of soul that miss the golden era of DayZ-mod for Arma 2. After all, I’m the crazy person who played most of the mods for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

And maybe, in fact, Escape from Tarkov is not so good – it just took a good niche and was liked by a specific layer of people. And nevertheless – it continues to be developed, gain an audience and become better. No matter how bad it was in Tarkov, people were in no hurry to escape from it.

Related: Escape from Tarkov: The complete problems to design, technical and scandals.

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