FFXIV Stormblood Included Plenty Of Additional Content

Square Enix developed the new expansion Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood and MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, is going to launch in around two months on PC and PlayStation 4. Regarding the new Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood more details on the game’s official website: https://www.ffxiv4gil.com/.


Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood included plenty of additional content that will keep fans of the MMORPG quite busy, such as Red Mage and Samurai, new locations, new adventures, new exploration, new dungeons, two new jobs, an increased level cap and much more. Note, Cheap FFXIV Gil hot sale at FFXIV4GIL.

Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood Added More Additional Content
New dungeons
Expanded item inventory
Changes to the battle system
The Forbidden Land of Eureka
New gear and crafting recipes
Level cap increase from 60 to 70
A new alliance raid: Return to Ivalice
A new residential district: Shirogane
Journey to the Far Eastern city of Kugane
New exploration with swimming and diving
A new 8-man raid: Interdimensional Rift─Omega
Explore Gyr Abania, the Ruby Sea, Yanxia, and the Azim Steppe
New primals and beastmen: Lakshmi and the Ananta, Susano and the Kojin

The release date of Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood was confirmed, and it will be released on PC and PlayStation 4 on June 20th. Until now, all gamers is always buying more Final Fantasy XIV Gil at FFXIV4GIL.