Discover Much More Content In Hector Of Albion Online

On June 7, the “Hector” update was installed on the Albion Online game servers. This is the last update before the upcoming official release, which is scheduled for July 17. This means that in the coming month one should not expect any innovations. Developers will focus on correcting bugs and polishing gameplay.

Hector, the final content update for Albion Online’s beta, is now live! Discover the Black Market, new mounts, Realmgate to the Outlands and much, much more!

“Hector” added the Black Market to the game. This system can remind many old MMORPGs. In the vastness of Albion, you can now find a shadow merchant and sell him things that have themselves been scrapped. And then your item can randomly knock out another player from the mob or find it in the chest.

Earlier we already wrote that the team is planning the redesign of the Hellgates. Finally they did it and now you will see them in an updated form. The map, minibosses and mechanics have changed. Now they are divided into three levels of complexity: safe zones, yellow zones, red and black zones.

In the black zones, now, instead of cities and harbors, there will be royal portals in Caerleon. Through them you can get to the right part of the Outlands and return. Also Tier 8 resources you can find only near the watchtower territories. With the rest of the details you can see in the patch. Just make sure to visit our site regularly to gather cheap albion online gold at reasonable price for you.