The First Descendant: The most recommended 3 STARTING DESCENDANTS

This guide will cover the three starting descendants you can choose from: Lepic, Ajax, and Viessa. While many recommend choosing a descendants based on your play style, this guide will outline the strengths and weaknesses of each starting character to help you make an informed choice.

Lepic: The Grenadier DPS


To quickly unlock Lepic, you need to collect materials. After collecting all the materials, you will need a Lepic Code. You can use points to buy Codes and Blueprints or buy fast Lepic Unlock Boost Services. Use coupon code “harry” at U4GM to get discounts and save more!

Lepic is a powerful DPS descendant who excels in dealing area-of-effect damage. He has a unique set of abilities that make him a group nuke powerhouse:


  1. Grenade Throw: Deals massive damage to multiple enemies. With power bonuses and modules, this ability can potentially one-shot high-level enemies.
  2. Overclock: Increases skill power and inflicts burn damage on enemies, enhancing your first and ultimate abilities.
  3. Grouping Skill: Pulls targets into one spot, making them easy to eliminate with your other abilities. However, it cannot pull special units and bosses.
  4. Overkill (Ultimate): Uses an arm cannon to deal massive damage continuously but consumes mana points. Passive:
  • Close Call: Grants immunity to crowd control and damage while increasing health recovery for a short duration when receiving fatal damage. Unique Skill Modules:
  • Increased Gain: Removes MP consumption while Overkill is active.
  • Nerve Infiltration: Removes the burn effect of Overclock but grants weakened regeneration.
  • Power Unit Change: Increases weapon damage.
  • Regenerative Breaking: Recovers MP after using a skill. Summary:
    Lepic is versatile, offering good survivability, crowd control, and damage. He is a solid choice for players who want a well-rounded character that can excel in both field missions and endgame content.

Ajax: The Defensive Specialist

Unlocking Ajax codes and blueprints requires points redemption, and buy TFD Campaign Boost Services can quickly obtain a large amount of materials.

Ajax is a defensive specialist who excels at keeping himself and his team alive. His abilities focus on defense and crowd control:


  1. Orbit Barrier: Creates a rectangular barrier that negates and reflects incoming damage.
  2. Slam Attack: Jumps and stomps the ground to stun and damage enemies.
  3. Expulsion: Releases a pulse that knocks back enemies.
  4. Dome (Ultimate): Creates a protective dome that increases weapon damage for allies inside. Passive:
  • Void Energy: Enhances abilities when void energy is accumulated. Unique Skill Modules:
  • Body Enhancement Matrix: Increases defense and grants an energy shield.
  • Defense Simplification: Boosts allies’ defense and grants them energy shields.
  • Void Barrier: Allows the Orbit Barrier to be moved and enhances its reflective damage.
  • Void Charge: Increases the damage of the slam attack. Summary:
    Ajax is perfect for players who prefer a tank role. He offers substantial defense and support capabilities, making him invaluable in challenging missions. His unique skill modules can turn his defensive abilities into offensive tools.

Viessa: The Crowd Control Specialist

In addition to collecting the corresponding materials and blueprints, unlocking Ultimate Viessa also requires the Ultimate Viessa Code, which is a unique code. Like Blueprint, you need to spend points to buy or use professional Ultimate Viessa Unlock Boost Services.

Viessa excels in slowing down enemies and controlling the battlefield. She is particularly effective in boss fights due to her debuffing abilities:


  1. Ice Shards: Shoots ice shards that deal damage and slow enemies.
  2. Frost Road: Leaves ice trails that slow enemies and increase your movement speed and energy shield.
  3. CT Snap: Creates ice puddles that apply the ice shackle debuff to enemies.
  4. Blizzard (Ultimate): Continuously damages and slows enemies while lowering their defenses. Passive:
  • Ice Shackle: Creates floating orbs that deal damage when ice shackle stages are reached. Unique Skill Modules:
  • Cold Blooded: Reduces MP cost and skill duration, increasing skill power.
  • Cold Snap Watch: Allows cold snap ability to linger on the ground.
  • Glacial Cloud: Converts CT Snap into a throwable blizzard.
  • Hypothermia: Replaces ice shackle with a damage-over-time effect. Summary:
    Viessa is ideal for players who enjoy crowd control and DPS roles. She can significantly slow down enemies and bosses, making her an excellent choice for controlling the battlefield. Her unique modules can turn her into a powerful DPS character with the right build. Enhancing Your Descendant

To increase the power of your starting descendant, consider the following tips:

  • Equip reactors that match the characteristics of your descendant’s abilities (e.g., Singularity, Modular Chill, Fusion).
  • Use skill cooldown modifiers and MP efficiency modifiers.

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