The Elder Scrolls Online: Zenimax Online Announces Xbox Scorpio Patch

According to a recent announcement by Zenimax Online and Bethesda Softworks, the online scrolling game “The Elder Scrolls Online” is tailored to the Xbox Scorpio. A fitting update will be released later this year.

Only shortly after the official announcement of the PlayStation 4 Pro last year, numerous developers and publishers came to the floor and pointed out that they will be upgraded their games. A similar trend is currently on the Xbox One.

It is well known that Microsoft will make nails with their heads at the end of the week, and will be giving further details about the Xbox Scorpio at the in-house E3 press conference, which starts on Sunday at 11 pm. Information on the final name or design of the platform, the price and, of course, the launch date are expected.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Zenimax Online Announces Xbox Scorpio Patch

In response to the forthcoming unveiling of the Xbox Scorpio, the leaders of Zenimax Online and Bethesda Softworks promised a patch to match the in-house fantasy online game “The Elder Scrolls Online” to the Xbox Scorpio. According to official data, this will be published this year.

“I think we’re going to be in for the same kinds of things that we did with the PS4 Pro, so visual stability will be up there. We’ll probably have the same types of visual bells and whistles,” one company spokesman said.

Whether the additional performance against the PlayStation 4 Pro on the Xbox Scorpio will bring further improvements with it, Bethesda Softworks did not want to confirm so far. It is very necessary for you to make money in game to prepare for The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind. However, you can buy ESO gold cheap on ESO-GOLD if you don’t have enough time to make money.