Final Fantasy XIV Offers Free Login To Inactive Accounts

Square Enix has launched a campaign to attract back to Final Fantasy XIV players who are not currently active. For a few days, you can connect for free and see the latest news of this MMORPG.


Until May 6 at 4:00 pm in Spain, users can log in as long as they meet a series of requirements, among which is having an inactive account for at least 30 days. You can know more details on the official page.

During this period, the user has four days to test the game, in total up to 96 hours.

“Patch 4.2 presents many new challenges in Eorzea and Othard,” Square Enix recalls to players who have not yet discovered the latest updates and expansions of FFXIV. If you need gils in game recently, you will want to join in our activity to get the 5% off code and buy cheapest FFXIV Gil on FFXIV4GIL. Just mark the time and join in our activity on time.