How to Prevent Sleep Status in Elden Ring: Tips, Cures

Elden Ring offers a rich and immersive experience filled with various challenges and status effects that players must navigate on their journey to become the Elden Lord. One of the lesser-known afflictions in the game is the Sleep status, which, while not as dangerous as Scarlet Rot, can still pose a significant threat, especially with the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC suggesting it may become more prevalent.

Understanding Sleep in Elden Ring

Sleep is a unique status effect that can incapacitate enemies, leaving them vulnerable to attacks. While it may seem like a minor inconvenience, the potential for Sleep to disrupt gameplay should not be underestimated. Players will need to be prepared to counteract this effect to maintain their momentum in the game.

How to Cure Sleep

In Elden Ring, there are two primary methods to prevent or cure Sleep status:

  1. Sorcery Spell: Lucidity
    • Requirements: 17 Intelligence and a staff.
    • How to Obtain: Players can acquire the Lucidity spell by progressing through Ranni’s questline until they receive the Carian Inverted Statue. This allows players to access the Carian Study Hall, where defeating Preceptor Miriam will reward them with the spell.
    • Effect: Lucidity not only prevents Sleep buildup but also counters Frenzy buildup, making it a versatile choice for players.
  2. Consumable: Stimulating Boluses
    • Crafting: Players can craft Stimulating Boluses after purchasing the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook (16) from the merchant in Ainsel River for 2,500 runes. The recipe requires Cave Moss, a Slumbering Egg, and a Herba.
    • Locations:
      • Purchasable from the Twin Maiden Husk after providing the Medicine Peddler’s Bell Bearing.
      • Available from a Nomadic Merchant located on the coast in southwest Limgrave.
      • Found on corpses in Sellia Hideaway and on the path to Nokstella, the Eternal City.

Stay Prepared and Save on Runes

As players prepare for the challenges ahead, it’s essential to stock up on the necessary items to counteract Sleep. To enhance your gameplay experience, consider buying Elden Ring Runes. Use discount code “vien” at checkout to save 5% on your purchase. This small investment can significantly enhance your ability to navigate the treacherous landscapes of the Lands Between.


While Sleep may not be the most hazardous affliction in Elden Ring, it is crucial for players to understand how to combat it effectively. By utilizing the Lucidity spell and crafting or purchasing Stimulating Boluses, players can maintain their edge in battles. Don’t forget to buy Elden Ring Runes and use discount code “vien” to save 5%—a smart move to ensure you’re always prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead in your quest to become the Elden Lord.

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